
The acorn woodpecker population that we study has been the subject of many productions that have aired globally. We are experienced with working with producers and writers and will help streamline the process. We can set up shots, direct crews to locations to capture specific B roll, and facilitate the overall shoot. Please contact Eric Walters for details.

Expert Witness in Utility Pole – Woodpecker Interactions

Eric Walters specializes in utility structure – woodpecker interactions and has served as an expert witness in several high profile incidents in California.
Since 1997, he has been working with utility organizations and companies throughout the United States and Canada to examine factors influencing wildlife – utility structure interactions. The focus of his work has been on determining the extent to which woodpeckers damage utility structures and evaluating potential preventative and mitigative measures. His research has found that most woodpeckers are using wood utility structures for either nesting or foraging activities. Ways of preventing such damage depend upon the species involved, geographic location, nearby habitat structure, integrity of the pole, chemical treatment of the pole, previous mitigation measures, and many other factors. Each case of damage must be examined on an individual basis – there are no general trends that allow companies to predict utility structure susceptibility to damage. A field visit (supplemented with historical information) is usually necessary so that recommendations can be made to prevent, reduce, or repair woodpecker damage.